Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Your Attitude Also Determines Your Destiny

Still on attitude. Do you know that you are today what you thought about yesterday and you will be tomorrow what you think about today? Every attitude is either positive or negative, It doesn't matter what happens to you, It is how you take it that matters."

"In the game of life you can be up one moment and down the next. The reason is not luck but the attitudes you choose consciously or unconsciously."

Your attitude will determine your entire outlook on life and how you see the world- happy or sad, positive or negative. You can choose to see it through rose-coloured spectacles (the eternal optimist who is out of touch with reality). You can also see everything as dark clouds (the absolute pes- simist), or better still choose to see that every dark cloud has a silver lining, which is a good attitude to have. Well it's true anyway!

I am the eternal optimist, out of touch, some say. Some people pick up the doom and gloom portrayed by newspapers and the media and transfer it to their own daily living. Attitude clouds verything that happens to you and how you react to situations, crises, etc.

As we have seen, one's attitude is closely related to your self-image and it is probably the most critical factor in determining how successful or how happy you will be in life. The inner attitude you have about yourself will determine your level of success far more than the skills and training you have ever received!


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