we hang on to grudges, resentments and other negative
Are you holding any resentment toward anyone right now? If
so, your emotional and spiritual system is clogged. You're
devoting energy to a resentment, which is stealing energy
you could be applying to more productive things.
You might probably be saying, "But you don't know what this person
did to me!" That's true, I don't know. What I do know is
that your resentment or grudge is doing YOU no good at all.
Why hang on to something that makes you feel angry and
If you think your grudge is too hard to give up,
or perhaps the harm was intentionally inflicted?
Consider this story:
New York City Police Detective Steven McDonald faced a
situation in July of 1986. While on patrol in Central Park,
the then-29-year-old detective stopped some teenagers to
question them. While he was speaking to them, one youngster
(15-years-old) took out a gun and shot Steven McDonald in
the head and neck.
In the hospital, McDonald learned that he would be paralyzed
from the neck down for the rest of his life. He needs a
machine to breathe.At the time of the incident, McDonald
had been married only eight months and his wife was three
months pregnant. He was in the hospital for 18 months.But
after being released from the hospital, McDonald forgave
the young man who shot him.
McDonald said he needed to do that to free himself from
anger and resentment. Simply put, he needed to get unclogged
and to move forward on a mission to change people's hearts.
Steven McDonald speaks in schools about forgiveness and
nonviolent conflict resolution.
The chances are that whatever happened to you is nowhere
near as serious as what happened to Steven McDonald.
If he was able to forgive a person who shot him and
paralyzed him for life, can you forgive those who have
inflicted some type of emotional or physical pain on you?
Remember, you're doing this to unclog yourself, so it
doesn't matter if the other person accepts your forgiveness
or even knows about it. For that matter, the other person
could be dead. Forgive the other person and free yourself.
Give up the bitterness and get on with your life. This is
not always easy and there is no formula that applies to
everyone. Make the important decision to release your
negative emotions.As you reduce physical clutter and forgive
those you resent,you'll gain a host of benefits. You'll feel
more comfortable in your physical surroundings. Your health
will improve. You'll feel less stress. You'll see new
opportunities. Your whole life will open up in ways you
never imagined!
Tags: Stevn Macdonald